September 21, 2009

You lie! CNN calls out Fox Nooze

First Rich Sanchez gets all over Fux’s lying ass for saying that CNN didn't cover Glenn Beck's political rally last week in DC --

CNN, Sanchez’s network, covered it. Extensively. With four correspondents. Fox’s Bill O’Reilly even said so. And the kicker? In using the high altitude shot in the full page ad, they were unknowingly using a screengrab from CNN’s customary pole camera.

Rick Sanchez became that all-too-rare news anchor besides Keith Olbermann to call Fox for what it truly is: A factual quadriplegic, the bastard spawn of Winston Smith and Goebbells. Now, if only we can get the other news anchors at CBS, ABC and NBC onboard and to similarly put Fox in the news for being stupid enough to become the news through partisan and corporate cheerleading.
-- jurassicpork59.

Now a new ad from CNN hits back: "Fox News: distorting, not reporting" --

More like this, please.


gallery said...

Sanchez is a complete tool..... but if he's working on redemption, I'll cut him some slack.

It's gonna be hard to forgive him for giving a platform to, and then THANKING some asshole that went on a segment of his and shit all over Hispanics everywhere while he nodded his giant head in agreement.

HELLO.... last time I checked, Sanchez was not a typical Scandinavian surname.

I was so incensed that I wrote him to call him out on his hypocrisy. Sadly, so many OTHER Bushian issues came along that it crowded out my disgust for him. I do admit though, I still get a kick out of watching him get voluntarily tasered.

Anonymous said...

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Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Kencing Nanah Ampuh
Obat Kelamin Keluar Nanah
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Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah