December 23, 2008

Only a quarter of Americans think Cheney is the worst vice president ever

Though most republitards thought he was almost as awesome as Sarah Failin could have been, six out of 10 independents and eight in 10 Democrats gave dick Cheney a rating of 'poor' or 'worst ever' in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll. Wtf?

"On the Sunday talk shows, Cheney took on the job of making an affirmative case for the Bush legacy," said Pete Holland, CNN polling director. "But the messenger got in the way of the message as soon as his snarling, blood-splattered phiz came on screen."



Anonymous said...

Look, in my lifetime alone Richard Nixon was a vice president as was Spiro Agnew. I am sure everyone knows about Nixon and admittedly while he was a pretty awful vp, his major crimes occurred as president. Agnew on the other hand would give the current governor of Illinois a real run for his money and was truly hated by the left who he constantly ridiculed. Now personally, I think Cheney truly is the devil in a theological sense and I am an atheist, but I can certainly see how some might figure there have been other vps who are competitive for worst ever.

Anonymous said...

There's a number of catagories to a presidency or vice-presidency -- which ones do you use to determine what makes him 'the worst'? His political coniving? (Cheney is DEFINITELY a world-class asshole in that category, pushing feckless W in all the wrong directions, helping push the Iraq War through. That alone might qualify him as 'the worst' in a moral sense). His personal financial corruptness? (Here Cheney is most likely NOT as bad as Spiro, who was convicted of income tax evasion as I recall). A drag/embarrasment to the president? (Nixon was probably worse with Eisenhower, and Agnew is a contender, but it's hard to judge this) And these are just the worst ones in our lifetimes -- I suspect there were some bad ones back in the late 1800's especially.