June 27, 2008

Good news, women voters: Saint McInsane no longer punching trollopy cunt

McCain: (chuckling) "I stopped beating my wife just a couple of weeks ago."

In an interview with the Las Vegas Sun, columnist Jon Ralston asked McCain why he didn't choose Gov. Jim Gibbons (in the middle of a messy divorce) to chair his Nevada campaign:
McCain: I appreciate his support. As you know, the lieutenant governor is our chairman.

Q: Why snub the governor?

McCain: I didn't mean to snub him. I've known the lieutenant governor for 15 years and we've been good friends....I didn't intend to snub him. There are other states where the governor is not the chairman.

Q: Maybe it's the governor's approval rating and you are running from him like you are from the president?

McCain: (Chuckling) And I stopped beating my wife just a couple of weeks ago...

What did he even mean by that??


Anonymous said...

Don't read anything into that. I don't like McCain but I realize that he is simply referring to the classic loaded damned-whatever-way-you-answer question, "so when did you stop beating your wife?" He's just saying, I'm not dumb enough to answer that question. Reading more than that into it suggests one has no sense of irony.

Anonymous said...

I believe irony was removed from the dictionary when Larry Craig and David Vitter sponsered that defense of marriage act in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, McCain was undoubtedly referring to the rhetorical question as 'anonymous' says, but it's a less than diplomatic choice of analogies given the documented case of him PUBLICLY calling his wife "a cunt"!

Related note: How BIG would the MSM uproar be if Barack Obama was heard to publicly call HIS wife "a cunt"?? (And then have his staff issue a half-assed 'explanation' that 'he was tired'?) And Fox Noise would be besides themselves, replaying it for MONTHS and drawing LARGE, cosmic conclusions about his presidential capabilities, and making thinly veiled racist references to 'how detrimental this is to black families', etc, etc. Interesting how Fox & the MSM are so predictable in their supposed outrage against 'preferential admissions' in colleges (when it involves low-income/minority applicants) but don't have any problem practicing 'preferential treatment' for their preferred presidential candidates, giving Reagan, "W", and now McCrank REPEATED 'byes' on things that they would/will/do pillory Democratic candidates for, even on much lesser degreed transgressions!

Distributorcap said...

maybe he was refering to sunnis and shiites and mixing it up

nothing that comes out of his anus mouth ever makes sense to me

deuddersun said...

Well, if you're tired of the crap from the Cartoon Network (Fox News), then head over to my place and sign the petition to stop their insidious, racist attacks on Barack and Michelle Obama. Or, hike on over to MoveOn.Org, who is co-hosting the petition with ColorOfChange.Org.

We can put a stop to this is we want to.


Anonymous said...

As someone who was physically abused during a nightmare of marriage, let me assure you it's not funny and should never be the subject of a joke. If McCain disagrees, perhaps he could move to some place like Iran where there seems to be no shame in it.