October 30, 2007

Cheney in Confederate flag flap at NY gun club

Dick Cheney's manly eight-hour blast-a-thon on the taxpayers' tab at a Hudson Valley gun club went off without anyone getting shot in the face -- except for the egg on the VP's, after the Confederate flag was spotted hanging inside a garage on hunt club property.

The incriminating photo was shown to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who issued a statement demanding that the vice president "denounce the club, and apologize for going to a club that represents lynching, hate and murder to black people."
And pheasants, one presumes.

Bonus: part of Dick's 15-SUV hunting entourage included an ambulance in case either his ticker, his finger, or his aim gave out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh... another pasty old white-man who somehow thinks that killing things for entertainment is somehow a positive hobby/past-time. And of course it's OH SO TOUGH - - jump in an SUV, drive to within 100 yds of some living entity, unpack your big fat-belly out of the vehicle, have your lackeys scare something up (or release them from a cage in one of the 'canned' hunts), and then (from 20 or 30 yards away with a shotgun/rifle) blast it. Then congratulate yourself on what a 'sportsman' you are.