May 26, 2006

Kenny Boy, meet Brownie
"Another dark moment in the Bush era," wHoward 'spanky' Fineman tearfully writes during a mammoth wank-off in front of a pic of Smirky McGoober in his flightsuit.

"If you want a date to mark the beginning of the end of the Bush Era in American life, you may as well make it this one: May 25, 2006. The Enron jury in Houston didn’t just put the wood to Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling. The jurors took a chain saw to the moral claims of the Texas-based corporate culture that had helped fuel the rise to power of President George W. Bush."
"But enough: we should be writing about our great economy, how there have been no post-9/11 attacks on the homeland - all thanks to our manly cowboy-in-chief, the studly heroic warrior, the handpicked-by-Jebus savior of our nation... sob..."

Besides, Enron was all Bill Clinton's fault.

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