September 29, 2004

Bizarro universe
Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!
The whore media presstitutes' slavish devotion to the incompetant lying fuckwit occupying the WH:

It is bizarre that the punditry should be in greater moral outcry over a news organization that rushed a story to print on the basis of forged documents than a White House that rushed a nation to war on the basis of lies, distortions, fake documents and false intelligence.

[Dan] Rather rushed a story onto the air. Bush rushed a nation into war. Rather apologized, but we have yet to hear any apology from the president for taking America to war on false pretenses.

Instead, he has ducked - claiming for months that we still might find weapons. He has transformed the rationale of the war - from stopping the ''gathering threat'' that Saddam posed to nation building and bringing democracy to Iraq. He has intentionally misled Americans about Saddam's connection to terror.

Pundits all agree that the CBS mistake in judgment badly damaged the credibility of one of America's leading news organizations. But few write about how the president's credibility has been destroyed across the world.

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