January 30, 2004

Hell, I'm positive
The US military is "sure" it will catch Osama bin Laden this year, perhaps within months, a spokesman said. Just in time for the November election.

A 9/11 cover-up?
Why won't Bush cooperate with investigators?

The White House doesn't want to give the commission investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks the 60 more days that it says it needs to finish its report.
Republicans are worried that a two-month extension would inject - shudder - politics into the Sept. 11 tragedy. The report would be released in July, in the middle of the presidential campaign.

As a shocked, but unidentified Republican congressional aide told the New York Times, "The Democrats will spin and spin."

Excuse us?

It's already clear that the commission has found evidence to suggest that the terrorist attacks were not inevitable. Members of Congress who oppose extending the deadline need to explain why they don't want the whole story.
Otherwise, you won't need Democrats to spin and spin the fact that the administration has something to hide, something big.

- - from an editorial in the Philly Daily News.

Does anyone have an icon for j*rking off?

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